5 ways to transcend your competitors with a brand they can’t compete with in 2023

don’t just stay in your lane…own it!

First, yes - it’s a super long blog title… go with it. I promise it’ll be worth the cringe you’re currently feeling.

As a full-service branding and marketing agency, we at ModernDojo Design understand the importance of standing out in a crowded marketplace. One way to do this is by transcending your competitors with a new brand they can't compete with.

But what does it mean to "transcend” your competitors? It means to go beyond them in terms of uniqueness, value, and overall appeal. It's not enough to be different - you need to be different in a way that matters to your target audience.

#1 Create a USP that you can deliver in your sleep

Creating a unique selling proposition (USP) that you can deliver in your sleep is an important aspect of transcending your competitors. It means finding something that you are passionate about and that you can easily and consistently deliver. This can be something that you are already good at or something that you have a lot of experience in. By identifying your unique strengths and abilities, you can create a USP that is not unique but also something that you can deliver with ease. This can increase your chances of success because you have a clear idea of what you can offer, and you can deliver it consistently and with confidence. It's important to remember that creating a USP that you can deliver in your sleep is not only about finding something that you are good at but also something that will be of value to your target audience. This is the key to creating a USP that will set you apart from your competitors.

#2 Create a new type of Customer with your new usp

Creating a unique selling proposition (USP) that creates a new type of customer is an effective way to transcend your competitors. This means identifying a gap in the market and creating a product or service that fills that gap, thereby creating a new type of customer. This can be done by identifying a specific problem or need that your target audience has and creating a solution that addresses that problem or need. This will not only attract a new type of customer, but it will also set you apart from your competitors. For example, a company that specializes in sustainably could create a line of clothing that addresses the needs of eco-conscious customers, who are looking for clothing that is not only stylish but also environmentally friendly. This creates a new customer willing to pay a premium for sustainable fashion.

#3 lean into whatever makes you Different

Being confident in whatever it is that makes you different is an important aspect of transcending your competitors. Embracing your unique qualities, whether your USP or something else, can set you apart in a crowded marketplace. Instead of trying to fit into an existing mold or conform to what's already out there, lean into what makes you different and let that guide your branding and marketing efforts. It's important to have a clear understanding of what makes you unique and then communicate that clearly to your target audience. This could be done through your branding, messaging, and positioning or by developing new products or services that align with your unique qualities. By learning what makes you different, you will establish a clear and distinct position in the market that sets you apart from your competitors.

#4 innovate rapidly and carefully

Another way to transcend competitors is by staying ahead of the curve regarding industry trends. This means keeping an eye on what's happening in your industry and being the first to adopt new technologies, techniques, or strategies.

“Innovation is taking two things that exist and putting them together in a new way.“

- Tom Freston (born 1945), Co-founder of MTV

For example, a company that specializes in sustainably could use innovative materials and production methods to create clothing that's not only stylish but also environmentally friendly. And while that is a common outcome, I would be remised if I didn’t offer this word of caution; with great ideas comes great risk. First mover’s advantage dictates that you have the upper hand in the marketplace, but you’re also confined to solving the problems that may come with that innovation in real-time - giving your competitors get a front-row seat to your mistakes and how to fix them. Just ask Nokia; they created the FIRST cell phone, but Apple and Samsung came behind them to make the BEST cell phones and consequently made them leave flagship cell phone manufacturing altogether.

#5 brand like your business depends on it - cuz it does… js.

A strong brand also helps in transcending the competition. A brand is not just a logo or tagline; it's the entire experience that a customer has with a company. It's the way a company presents itself, the way it interacts with customers, and the emotions it evokes. A strong brand can make a company feel more trustworthy, reliable, and desirable, giving it an edge over its competitors.

“A brand is not a logo. A brand is not a corporate identity system. It’s a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or company. Because it depends on others for its existence, it must become a guarantee of trustworthy behavior. Good branding makes business integral to society and creates opportunity for everyone, from the chief executive to the most distant customer.”
― Marty Neumeier,
The Brand Gap

*#6 provide customer experiences they’ll never forget

Finally, another way to transcend competitors is by providing exceptional customer service. This means going above and beyond to meet your customers' needs and exceed their expectations. For example, a company specializing in home renovation could offer free design consultations and project management services to make the renovation process as stress-free as possible for their customers.

In conclusion, transcending your competitors is about standing out in a crowded marketplace by being unique, valuable, and appealing to your target audience. This can be achieved by identifying your USP, staying ahead of industry trends, building a strong brand, and providing exceptional customer service.

Works Cited

  1. "10 Ways to Differentiate Your Brand in a Saturated Market." Forbes,

  2. Market research and competitive analysis

  3. "How To Stand Out In A Saturated Market" Forbes,

  4. "5 Ways to Differentiate Your Products and Services in an Oversaturated Market" Entrepreneur,

  5. “3 Ways to Wildly Differentiate Your Business in a Saturated Market” LinkedIN,

  6. Marketing Success Through Differentiation—of Anything” Harvard Business Review,

  7. The Brand Gap” - Marty Neumeier


23 Tips For Brand Differentiation in 2023